Under the bus night!

bus night

Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely… Lord Acton

Is There Still Room Under The Bus?

The Florida Thoroughbred Farm Managers monthly dinner meeting for June featured FTBOA president Fred Brei as the key speaker. In the three weeks since that meeting, Fred has had his “top-down” not much has been stated by Fred, but it has rained almost every day!

Much apprehension preceded the meeting regarding the electricity that would charge the “question and answer” portion of the meeting. It was more bizarre than most would expect with the previous Saturday announcement of Richard “Dick” Hancock’s impending resignation.

I was approached at my table by Fred Brei where he just blurted a question, “Is Mike still alive?”  I asked, “What?” and the question was repeated. I then asked, “Mike who?” to which Fred replied, “Mike, that bookkeeping guy!” It then dawned upon me that he was referring to former FTBOA Chief Financial Officer, Michael Gilliam, who retired due to poor health and pressure from the principals at FTBOA.
ftboa florida
I said that I have not seen him in quite a while (six months) and as far as I know, he was still alive. Fred departed and during his speech threw Gilliam under the bus by making remarks about his being “only a bookkeeper, marginal at best” which brought gasps from some of those in attendance.

He then said, “Mr. Gilliam did not know the meaning of CFO”.  Obviously, Fred did not know of all the closed-door meetings that Mr. Gilliam had with Mr. Hancock during his tenure as FTBOA Chief Financial Officer. You also have to wonder why it took so long for the FTBOA board and CEO to realize that Mr. Gilliam was as inept as Brei implies.

Can you imagine what he would have said had the man not been alive? The people at my table were astounded by Mr. Brei’s actions both before and during his diatribe.

Mr. Brei fluctuated between praising Mr. Hancock and saying he had poor management skills. Furthermore, he spoke of the people in Tallahassee having no clue about purses and how racing worked in Florida. If that is the case, we have to wonder whether Mr. Hancock did his job or not about educating legislators on what the FTBOA is all about.

Mr. Brei exhibited new exuberance only when he managed to tout his accomplishments as a breeder and owner or to tell us how awed he is each time he sits down with all of the millionaires that are on the FTBOA board of directors. (I wonder if he has their autographs.) He implied to all present that if you are not a millionaire, you don’t belong on the board of directors.


Once again the small breeder–owner was reminded that they don’t count with the FTBOA hierarchy and they should just pay their dues and fees and get out of the way because Fred and the boys know what is best for them.  What is most amazing is the FTBOA board has some very good business people on it, but where are their voices?

I recall a new board member, Roy Lerman, standing at the microphone and telling everyone that he would get some answers. That was in December and we are here in July…did you get the answers, Roy?  What were they? It is bad enough that the economy is horrible, but does gasoline have to be poured on it as well?  At the same time, why does Florida racing have to be made to look like total fools to the states that now surpass Florida in the horse racing world?